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The Goodjelly Blog

7 Ways Writers Make the Journey Harder

No. 99 | By Christine Carron

One of the most valuable lessons I learned from expert dog trainer and agility champion Susan Garrett is to set your dog (and yourself) up for success. Another Susan gem that totally aligns with my process improvement consultant perspective: if something is hard or a...

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Critique Note | The Gift of Being Met

No. 98 | By Christine Carron

Turn on some Pugliese, sit back and relax while you sip mate through a bombilla, and let me tell you about the first time I fell in love dancing tango. I was on a tango tour in Buenos Aires, my first time in Argentina. I'd heard about the tour only a few weeks earlier...

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The 4 Writing Productivity Types

By Christine Carron

One of the most productive (and kindest) moves you can make as a writer is to work with yourself instead of against yourself. Meaning that you organize your writing work, your writing schedule, your entire writing adventure in a way that aligns with . . . you.

The problem is...

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3 Process Misconceptions that Get in the Way of Writing Progress

Post 96 | By Christine Carron

Once I grabbed a client’s arm right before he introduced me to the team I would be leading for the next few months. “Please don’t say that I’m a process improvement consultant,” I asked. “Just say that I’m a...

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7 Tips to Focus Your Writing in the Final Months of the Year

By Christine Carron

Fall has arrived, a chill is in the air, and we are days away from the final quarter (Q4) of the year. That means we writers have three months left to play with when it comes to getting writerly work done this year. 

Are you clear on what you want to get done? What you...

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Is Your Boundary Style Messing With Your Writing Progress?

By Christine Carron

For most writers, writing is done alone. Just you and the page. The writing adventure, however, requires a vast array of relationships. To navigate those relationships effectively—be they passing, enduring, or something in between—requires healthy boundaries. Nedra...

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Encourage A Writer Today

By Christine Carron

Today is National Encouragement Day. Find a writer, or writers, and lay some encouragement on them. Consider it your Goodjelly move of the day. 

Goodjelly’s not-so-stealth mission is to teach writers how to unleash their writing progress. How? By teaching...

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How to Navigate the Dark Woods of Doubt

By Christine Carron

In 2001, a group of tech folks drafted the Agile Manifesto, a set of principles that revolutionized software development. Before Agile, the accepted way to manage software projects was the waterfall method. A project would be initiated, all the requirements drafted, then...

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Boost Your Writing Progress with Inner Trust

By Christine Carron

When I worked with teams in the corporate world, I spent a lot of time focused on the group’s interpersonal dynamics—how they related to each other. I was often helping them to strengthen, and in some cases rebuild, trust. 

When I work with writers, the focus...

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Protection and Productivity on the Writing Journey

By Christine Carron

One aspect of the writing adventure I do not like is the thread that runs through it that creates an environment of intellectual and emotional, well . . . violence. I know. Violence is a strong word. I am not sure how else to categorize perspectives where creativity is a...

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How to Protect Your Writing Time from Mental Intrusions

By Christine Carron

A common problem for writers is how to stay focused during a writing session when you have competing priorities. Let’s set the scene.

There you are. Intrepid writer. You’ve kept your commitment to yourself, to your art, and gotten your derrière in...

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10 Causes of Writerā€™s Block | Part 2

By Christine Carron

Last week, I shared the first five causes of writer's block I identified after getting peeved by something another writer wrote about writer's block that, in my opinion, was lacking in compassion and not overly helpful. If you missed that post, pop back to get the...

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