101 Places to Process-Rock the Writing Adventure

No. 103 | By Christine Carron
Cultivating a process mindset is one of the smartest things you can do on the writing adventure. I admit, as a process improvement consultant, I’m biased. Even so, I know I am right on this. Test it out for yourself. Whenever you are feeling stuck, frustrated, or wondering why something on the writing adventure is so hard, a new process will put you back in charge of your mindset and your flow.
Process thinking is a total power-keeping move.
The right process will unleash your creativity, amp up your productivity, and create more joy, flow, and fun. The simplest way to become your own process-improvement rockstar is to follow a simple . . . process.
Process-Rockstar Process: Whenever you’re in a bit of a writing work snarl, pause and ask yourself, “How can I make this easier?”
Then trust whatever comes up.
I invite you to think broad when it comes to process opportunities. You really can process improve anything. To get you started, here are 101 possible places where you could up your process game on the writing adventure. And, note, I got to one hundred and one without having to add one writing-specific process, such as processes around plot, character, pacing, etc.
You might improve your process around how to:
- Refocus when your attention wanders.
- Organize your writing files.
- Organize your research.
- Plan your research.
- Note ideas/observations/inspirations.
- Organize your ideas/observations/inspirations.
- Prioritize your writing work.
- Bounce back after a rejection.
- Stay engaged when you get bored with your writing project.
- Set your networking goals for a conference.
- Plan your post-conference networking follow-up.
- Digest your writing conference/workshop/class learnings.
- Take notes at a writing conference/workshop/class.
- Get yourself back into a writing rhythm when you have a lull.
- Redirect your Inner Critic.
- Set boundaries with critique partners.
- Set boundaries around distractions during your writing time.
- Research writing grants/scholarships/fellowships.
- Learn new technologies and tools that support your writing goals.
- Research agents.
- Organize your query process.
- Review and organize your critique feedback.
- Deliver critique feedback.
- Receive critique feedback.
- Set rules of engagement for your critique group.
- Facilitate a critique group meeting.
- Handle conflict in a critique group.
- Collect first reader feedback.
- Organize and prioritize first reader feedback.
- Reconnect to your creative joy.
- Keep your cool when you feel judged/misunderstood in a class setting.
- Forgive yourself for perceived mistakes you’ve made on the journey.
- Give yourself grace when the process takes longer than you want it to (or think it should.)
- Connect to your power and confidence.
- Trust your creative instincts.
- Trust the timing of your progress, success, and creative blooming.
- Nurture your creativity.
- Revise.
- Nurture your writerly friendships.
- Analyze your creative strengths and weaknesses.
- Shore up your creative weaknesses.
- Work your creative strengths.
- Plan your annual writing goals.
- Plan your quarterly writing goals.
- Plan your monthly writing goals.
- Plan your weekly writing goals.
- Plan your daily writing goals.
- Keep your cool when your plans don’t go exactly to plan, which they never do.
- Work through blocks.
- Plan your writing learning goals.
- Manage your impatience while waiting for responses from agents and/or editors.
- Build and expand your craft skills.
- Manage judgments and jealousies.
- Get aligned with the marketing and selling aspects of the writing adventure.
- Thank your teachers, mentors, and writing friends.
- Release doubts.
- Release “shoulds.”
- Mentor young writers.
- Support diverse voices.
- Find inspiration.
- Challenge yourself artistically and creatively.
- Finish first drafts.
- Get out of analysis paralysis.
- Stop expecting your first drafts to look like final drafts.
- Mine your past for inspiration.
- Recognize when you are forcing progress to the detriment of your writing.
- Set small goals.
- Celebrate your progress.
- Create momentum.
- Break down your writing work.
- Create clear tasks and endpoints.
- Create rhythm with your work.
- Avoid slogging.
- Spark your creativity.
- Let go of perfectionism.
- Practice good self-care habits that support your creative productivity.
- Pull yourself out of a stress spiral.
- Determine what advice you will take and what advice you will ignore.
- Pitch your work.
- Be a force for good in your writing community.
- Stop being so hard on yourself.
- Reflect on your progress and how you might improve your processes.
- Be kind to yourself, your writing, and your creativity.
- Be confident.
- Cultivate curiosity and wonder.
- Keep your values/integrity in the pursuit of success.
- Set and achieve annual reading goals.
- Create consistent progress with all your writing work.
- Short-circuit and redirect consistent, debilitating negative thinking.
- Develop grit.
- Get the writing work done that you don’t like doing.
- Tend to your creative disappointments without getting stuck in them.
- Work through the areas of resistance that are holding you back creatively.
- Protect your vulnerability without disconnecting from it, as your creativity needs your full emotional range, including your vulnerability.
- Do the things that scare you.
- Manage all your writing work so that you can get it done with greater ease.
- Create a sustainable and enjoyable writing process that aligns with your strengths.
- Recognize when you are getting in your own way.
- Soothe creative angst.
- Have fun on the writing adventure.
- Keep your writing dreams alive.
Happy process-rocking. You’ve got this!
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