Learn How to Jam

Ready to get your writing done with greater ease and speed?

Learn How to Jam

How? Join Goodjelly's Jam Straight and take charge of your writing productivity with smart process, grounded power and inner kindness. 

Learn How to Jam
Free Masterclass

When you know how to Jam, the writing adventure gets easier. 

Sondra Soderborg

Knowing how to Jam helps me in so many ways: avoiding burnout, mindfully managing the whole range of writing work, getting clear on what I can and can't realistically do in any given week. It has brought calmness, playfulness and joy more fully into my creative work.

Bev Martin

Jamming has given me a respect for my writing—I wouldn’t have even said “my writing” before this. It's helped me to go from, “Oh, what a lovely dream. Wouldn't it be wonderful to write a book?” to moving forward on writing the book I’ve wanted to write with ease and actually, dare I say, fun?

Sharnese Harris

My grandpa says that our journeys will veer off path and that, “it’s not about if you get off track, but how you get back on track.” Jamming, like a plane, has those built-in mechanisms and tools that I can use when I start to drift. It helps me get back on my writing path.

Learn How to Jam

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